Sunday, April 26, 2015

C4K #3

C4K #3

Lowrey B's Blog
If I could start my own business, I would start a candy shop in Bricktown. I would put my shop in Bricktown because a lot of people go there for Thunder games and Dodger games. I would want to live close to Bricktown because I want to go to Thunder games. I would name my shop Old Fashion Candy. I love that theme in candy stores! I would have every kind of candy that you can think of in big barrels. My shop would also have pop in bottles that are like root bear. The building would be made out of bricks on the inside and outside. I would also have wooden planks on the roof. The walls would also have bible verses on them, so I can share the bible with people who come in. That would be my whole purpose of the store and to eat a lot of candy.

My Reply:


Hi my name is Chelsea and I am going to school to become an elementary teacher. I enjoyed reading your blog post. It seems like you have really put a lot of thought into your candy store. I also liked the fact that you incorporated bible verses on the wall. I know I would definitely visit your candy store. Good Luck and follow your dreams!!

Chris Blog

Chris Wrote:
I am very hungry today.

My Reply:
Hi Chris,
My name is Chelsea and I am going to school to become an elementary teacher. I enjoyed reading your blog.

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